SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Vera House, Inc. has named its new slate of officers for the 2015 board of directors.
Heading up the list of officers is Board President Kathleen McDermott, owner and director of HIATUS Consultants, LLC.
Jennifer Ploetz Williams, an attorney with Mackenzie Hughes, LLP, and Mark Fuller, chief financial officer of United Radio, Inc. will serve as vice presidents. Patrick Leitgeb, partner in the Syracuse office of KPMG, has been named treasurer. Edward (Buster) Melvin II, partner at Hiscock & Barclay, LLP, will serve as secretary.

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New Vera House board members that will serve a three-year term commencing this month include: Lt. Lynette Delfavero, commanding officer of community relations and defensive tactics instructor at the Syracuse Police Department; John (Jack) Dooling, member of the DeWitt town board and community volunteer; Sarah Fitzgerald, former program manager at Saab Sensis Corp.; Anthony Germano, assistant district attorney in the Onondaga County District Attorney’s Office; Richard Maxwell, partner with Dannible & McKee, LLP; Jennifer Nadler, adjunct English as a second language instructor at Onondaga Community College; and Solon Quinn, partner at Solon Quinn Studios, LLC, and Patrick Leitgeb.
Vera House ( works to end domestic and sexual violence in the community. The agency provides a 24-hour crisis, support, and information line, and emergency shelter.