HERKIMER, N.Y. — The village of Herkimer has received $173,250 from the New York State Department of State to complete the Village of Herkimer Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Plan.
The plan addresses a 32-acre area along the Main Street corridor to address blight, safety and aesthetics of structures, a weak economy, low employment, and poor community engagement.
Herkimer’s objectives include determining the best use for blighted/potential brownfield areas, identifying public-private partnership opportunities, expansion of economic activity, and increased community engagement.

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The project gives the village the opportunity to strategically analyze the economic potential in its downtown corridor. Herkimer plans to collaborate with the community, public and private partners, and stakeholders to ensure the BOA is geared toward a commitment to sustainability in the downtown center.
Anticipated community benefits include the identification of strategic opportunities for redevelopment, expansion of economic activity, identification of private partners and available public funds to leverage investment, and increased community support of revitalization efforts and property rehabilitation.
“This award, in conjunction with our EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant, will allow us to double our resources and help us complete this plan,” Herkimer County IDA CEO John Piseck said in a statement.