The state’s unemployment rate fell slightly in October to 8.7 percent, down from 8.9 percent in September, but still above the 8.2 percent it was a year ago, according to the state Department of Labor.
The state also added 5,900 private-sector jobs in October, bringing the total private-sector jobs added to the state’s economy in 2012 to 110,300.
“In October 2012, New York’s private sector continued to add jobs, both the statewide and New York City unemployment rates fell from the previous month, and the number of unemployed in the state declined,” Bohdan M. Wynnyk, deputy director of the Labor Department’s Division of Research and Statistics, said in a release.
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The professional and business services sector led the job growth with 52,600 new jobs over the past year. Education and health services added 37,900 jobs.
Construction lost the most jobs, cutting 12,400 jobs over the past year, while information lost 5,400.
The Utica-Rome region showed gains, adding 800 non-farm jobs and 700 private-sector jobs over the past year.
The Binghamton area lost 1,200 non-farm jobs and 500 private-sector jobs over the same period, while the Syracuse area gained 300 non-farm jobs but lost 100 private-sector jobs.
The nation’s unemployment rate rose slightly to 7.9 percent in October, up from 7.8 percent in September, but down from 8.9 percent last October.
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