SYRACUSE, N.Y. — A Potsdam firm is among four companies awarded $10,000 in funding from the SyracuseCoE Innovation Fund to help commercialize their innovative products and services.
The recipients include Ducted Wind Turbine of Potsdam in St. Lawrence County, along with uvcPhyzx of Dundee in Yates County; and Hearth Labs and Hydronic Shell Technologies, both of New York City, Syracuse University (SU) said in its announcement.
SyracuseCoE is short for Syracuse Center of Excellence and described as New York State’s Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, per its website. It’s headquartered at 727 E. Washington St. in Syracuse.

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Ducted Wind Turbine will use its $10,000 to develop a new blade and hub design for its 3.5 kW (kilowatt) wind turbine, offering improved power production, increased part reliability, reduced cost and higher safety margins, per the SU announcement.
“SyracuseCoE’s Innovation Fund Awards continue to serve as an effective way to help companies achieve commercialization of their technologies,” Jianshun (Jensen) Zhang, executive director of the SyracuseCoE, said. “Ultimately, these awards strengthen both the company and Central New York’s position as a leader in technology innovations that address energy and environmental challenges.”
Companies that are members of the SyracuseCoE Partner program were invited to submit proposals that “help bridge the gap to commercialization for products that address a challenge” within SyracuseCoE’s core focus areas, including indoor environmental quality, clean and renewable energy, and water resources.
Collaborations with researchers from academic partner institutions were encouraged, SU noted.
Awards for this program are funded by member companies of the SyracuseCoE Partner Program “with the purpose of helping companies advance product development and technological innovation.”
With these awards, SyracuseCoE has supported 60 Innovation Fund projects with awards totaling over $635,000.