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Syracuse airport completes ground transportation traffic-flow update

Syracuse Hancock International Airport says Thanksgiving week is one of its busiest in any calendar year. The airport is encouraging air travelers to arrive two hours before their scheduled flight. (Eric Reinhardt / CNYBJ)

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The Syracuse Regional Airport Authority (SRAA) on Monday said crews have completed a “significant” ground transportation traffic-flow update at Syracuse Hancock International Airport (SYR).

The update will “enhance safety and efficiency” for drivers picking up and dropping off passengers at the airport, SRAA said in a news release.

In 2021, SYR airport security officers (ASOs) began encouraging drivers awaiting arriving passengers to do so in the newly designated arrivals waiting areas outside of terminal A and terminal B. A key component of the traffic-flow update is new signage directing drivers to these designated waiting areas, which are located at the outer curb lines adjacent each terminal.


Crews completed the installation of this signage late last week, the SRAA said.

Drivers entering airport property along Col. Eileen Collins Blvd. are asked to follow the blue- and orange-colored signs to the terminal A and terminal B pick-up areas, respectively. These signs prominently display which airlines are associated with which terminals, providing an easy reference for drivers.

The front-curb line of the airport is intended for active drop offs only. This means that motorists are not permitted to stand or park at the curb line for any reason. Travelers with mobility issues will be permitted to be picked up at the front-curb line in the marked handicap spots only. Signs are located along the curb line, informing drivers of this policy. Vehicles are not allowed to sit and wait along the roads leading into the airport. This is to protect the safety of motorists and pedestrians, alike, the SRAA said.

“This traffic flow update is one piece of a larger push to improve the landside experience for travelers at SYR,” Jason Terreri, executive director of SRAA, said. “We understand there will be an adjustment period, and we appreciate the public’s understanding as we improve the safety and efficiency of pick-ups and drop offs at the airport.”

To learn more about these pick-up and drop-off procedures, including a graphical depiction of the new arrivals’ waiting areas, officials encourage those interested to visit the airport’s website.



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