In this leadership position, Knapp will provide oversight of the SCMA while the search committee for a new SCMA dean begins its work.
She has served as the school’s associate dean since 2015, where her primary job duties have revolved around the “creation, maintenance and adherence to academic policy,” the school said.
Knapp has served SCMA as a professor, department chair, and associate dean, and has led and participated in key initiatives for SUNY Oswego since her arrival in 2008.

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“I have had the privilege of serving alongside Dean Julie Pretzat and working with our dedicated faculty, staff and alumni to establish and enhance SCMA’s reputation as a premier destination for faculty and students interested in communication, media and the arts,” Knapp said. “I look forward to leading SCMA into its next chapter, and deepening its contributions to the college, community and beyond.”
She has over 10 years of administrative experience at SUNY Oswego. From 2011-2015, Knapp chaired the Assessment Advisory Committee.
As an original member of the committee, she attended assessment practices conferences (sponsored by Middle States and SUNY) and worked side-by-side with the college’s assessment coordinator to help departments and programs develop student learning outcomes and assessment plans leading up to the 2012 Middle States accreditation visit. In 2013, she was named chair of the department of communication studies and has twice served as the interim department chair of theatre.