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Oneida County, sheriff’s department union sign new four-year contract

From left, Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol, County Executive Anthony J. Picente, Jr. and Local 1249 President Luis Roman announce a collective-bargaining agreement they say will help the county recruit and retain corrections and court employees. (Photo credit: Oneida County Executive’s Office)

UTICA, N.Y. — Oneida County reached a collective-bargaining agreement on Wednesday with the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office and the union that represents corrections and court employees.

The new four-year agreement covers correction officers, court security officers, court attendances, and civilian clerical support. The Oneida County Sheriff’s Department Employees Local 1249, Council 82 union approved the contract by a vote of 106-4 and the Oneida County Board of Legislators unanimously approved it.

Highlights of the new contract include a boost in starting salaries for correction officers, court security officers, and court attendants; a $1,000 increase in longevity pay after five years of service with another $200 per year after that — up to 25 years of service; a 15-cent per hour shift differential for certain positions; an additional $2 per hour for hours worked as a field-training officer; the addition of Juneteenth as a paid holiday; and the ability to apply the cash value of accrued and unused sick days in excess of 165 days to a qualifying employee’s medical-insurance premium payment upon reaching retirement age.


The contract is retroactive to Jan. 1, 2022 and runs through Dec. 31, 2025.


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