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Oneida County plans public early February meeting to discuss Triangle Site development

Oneida County will hold a public meeting on Feb. 3 to share the findings of its draft environmental assessment for the planned development of the Triangle Site at Griffiss International Airport in Rome. (Photo credit: Oneida County)

ROME, N.Y. — Oneida County will hold a public open house Feb. 3 from 6-8 p.m. at the Innovare Advancement Center at the Griffiss International Airport, 592 Hangar Rd., to present the findings of its draft environmental assessment of the county’s Triangle development site at Griffiss International Airport.

Representatives from the county and its consultant, C&S Engineers, Inc., will be on hand to answer questions, display graphics for review, and provide forms for those that wish to submit comments in writing, according to an announcement from Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente, Jr.

Oneida County announced last May that it was awarded $23.6 million in Focused Attraction of Shovel-Ready Tracts New York (FAST NY) funding to develop a 286-acre parcel.


“Oneida County is committed to responsible and strategic development that drives economic growth while maintaining environmental stewardship,” Picente said. “The Draft Environmental Assessment for the Triangle Site is a critical step in ensuring that this project moves forward in a thoughtful and sustainable manner. We encourage the public to participate in this open house, review the findings, and provide valuable input as we continue working to maximize the potential of this site for the benefit of our community.”

Proposed elements of the project include a mix of aeronautical and non-aeronautical uses, new building construction, new perimeter fence, a traffic roundabout and realignment of Perimeter Road, a noise wall barrier, new paved roads with parking areas and transportation infrastructure, extension of utilities to the site, demolition of two buildings, removal of trees and vegetation, land acquisition or property transfer, reserved green space, and development of the 187-acre Upland Sandpiper mitigation site.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to assess environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. An environmental assessment (EA) describes a project’s potential environmental, social, and economic impacts. The Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, is the lead federal agency responsible for the EA.


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