UTICA, N.Y. — The number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 in Oneida County hospitals continues to jump as the virus spreads in the county and the region.
Officials on Tuesday said 36 people are hospitalized in the county with the illness (29 at MVHS and 7 at Rome Memorial) and another 11 Oneida County residents are hospitalized outside of the county. Those figures are up from Monday when 30 were hospitalized with COVID in the county and 10 outside.
Going back only two weeks to Nov. 3, just 15 patients were in Oneida County hospitals with COVID-19 and just three county residents were in hospitals elsewhere.

Sales Employees are Not Always Exempt from Overtime
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The full rundown of Oneida County’s other coronavirus statistics for Tuesday (as of Noon) follows:
- 79 new positive cases (1 nursing home resident), 3,706* total. (*Upon further investigation, 2 positive cases were removed from the previous day’s total.)
- 852 active positive cases
- 1 new COVID-19-related death, 139 total
- 2,715 positive cases have been resolved
- 261,949 total negative results
- 265,655 total tests conducted
- 852 in mandatory isolation
- 1,369 in mandatory quarantine