SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Syracuse-based Nascentia Health added two new staff members to its Rome office at The Beeches.
Kaitlyn Ellinger, RN, is a care manager in Nascentia’s managed long-term care plan, where she ensures members receive the best possible care. Prior to joining Nascentia, Ellinger worked as a registered nurse at Rome Memorial Hospital, working bedside in the intensive-care unit. She lives in Rome.
Mikaylea Recore, RN, is a pediatric RN case manager in Oneida County, working to access and implement at-home care for pediatric and maternal patients. Before joining Nascentia, she worked for five years as a registered nurse in the Crouse Hospital NICU. She lives in Williamstown.
Nascentia Health provides home-based, skilled nursing, and therapy services along with home health aides, a Medicare Advantage plan, and managed long-term care. Nascentia Health purchased The Beeches in Rome in 2021 and began a multi-phase project to convert the Inn at the Beeches into age-restricted apartments for those 62 and older and build duplex units and independent cottage-style homes.