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Liberty Resources to add on-site pharmacy

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Liberty Resources Inc., a Syracuse–based human-services agency, is partnering with Genoa Healthcare to provide on-site pharmacy services in what the local organization sees as “another important step in furthering our integrated health care.”

The “complementary service will advance our integrated care strategic initiative,” Liberty Resources said in a news release.

“Genoa will be leasing space from Liberty Resources at market rates,” Carl Coyle, CEO of Liberty Resources, said in an email response to a BJNN inquiry. “No revenues from insurance or fees will be shared between the two organizations.”


Renton, Washington–based Genoa Healthcare provides health-care services that include pharmacy, telepsychiatry, and medication-management services, according to its website.

Liberty Resources Integrated Health Care provides mental health care as well as primary care and other wellness services. Genoa’s pharmacists will be part of the treatment team allowing Liberty Resources to “provide a higher level of service to clients,” the agency said.

Crews from Syracuse–based CBD Construction have started work on a $200,000 project to convert unused office space at 1045 James St. into the new pharmacy, which is set to open in May.

On-site pharmacy purpose

In its news release, Liberty Resources indicated that studies show that “centralizing” clinical and pharmaceutical care for behavioral-health conditions results in “higher rates of medication adherence,” which “helps people live productive lives and reduces health-care spending.”

Having an onsite pharmacy, the organization contends, will give Liberty Resources Integrated Health Care patients the option to fill all their medications prescribed by its medical staff as well as primary care and other outside prescribers, in the “privacy and convenience” of the on-site pharmacy.

Genoa Healthcare also provides a system to organize medications by day and time in customized bubble packs to help patients and their caregivers keep track of the medication regimen. The pharmacy staff will work with Liberty Resources prescribers to help track medication adherence, or “how often and whether consumers are filling prescriptions.”

As the 5th largest drug chain with more than 400 full-service pharmacies located within community mental-health centers across the U.S., Genoa is “one of only a few” pharmacy-service organizations that specialize in working with behavioral-health providers.

As a result, their pharmacists are “experts” at working with issues related to mental health, such as difficulties in getting prior authorizations and the need to address other issues that “challenge optimal medication adherence,” Liberty Resources said.

About Liberty Resources

Liberty Resources describes itself as a “multi-service integrated health-care and behavioral-health provider.” Its programs include integrated health care for mental health and primary care; community behavioral health (substance use disorder, traumatic brain injury, HIV services); integrated care management; intellectual disabilities services; child, youth, family services; and early-intervention services.

Liberty Resources employs more than 1,400 professional staff providing shelter, treatment, assistance, counseling and support for nearly 16,000 individuals and families. It operates services across New York and says it has a “significant” presence in Texas.

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