Central New York’s largest health insurer is looking for individuals and companies who have not cashed $1.25 million worth of checks issued in 2008.
Rochester–based Excellus Health Plan, Inc., which does business as Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, has put together a list of nearly 12,000 members and providers who did not cash the checks. Members and providers have until Aug. 31 to claim the checks. After that, Excellus plans to hand over unclaimed funds to the Office of the New York State Comptroller in order to comply with state regulations.
“This is money that was paid for claims or refunded premiums,” Excellus regional president Dr. Arthur Vercillo said in a news release. “It rightfully belongs to our members or providers, and we want to make sure they have one more chance to claim it before it goes to the state.”
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The list of members and providers with unclaimed funds can be accessed at excellusbcbs.com/forgottenfunds. Current members can claim their checks by calling the telephone number listed on the backs of their member identification cards. Those who are not current members can call 1-877-757-3850.
Contact Seltzer at rseltzer@cnybj.com