A handful of recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various business, career, digital, and personal tips:
http://ow.ly/4yra30aUii1 9 tips when asking friends and family to help finance your business #funding #entrepreneur #business #Tips
Vanessa Dunford @vaniccilondon
Four #marketing elements you need to consider to build your #contentstrategy: http://mklnd.com/2pxVdHf via @marketingland
RMS @RMS_Research

In the Market to Build? Get Started in 4 Simple Steps
Finding the perfect home isn’t always easy, especially in our world today. The U.S. Housing Shortage has created an ongoing challenge for homebuyers across the nation, opening the door to

How Do Value Conclusions and Value Calculations Differ?
The value of a business is relevant in a wide variety of legal contexts, including divorces, shareholder disputes, mergers, bankruptcy and tax planning. Nevertheless, not every so-called “valuation” service is
Implement these habits into your first conversation with someone new and you’ll leave a more memorable impression: http://on.inc.com/2ptOcIu
Whitman School @WhitmanatSU
3 Essential Pinterest Strategies to Quickly Grow Your Traffic on Autopilot – http://www.melyssagriffin.com/pinterest-strategies/
Julie Briggs @JulieBriggsCNY
Feeling unsuccessful? That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Actually, it may be a good thing! https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/still-feel-unsuccessful-science-says-thats-probably-a-good-sign.html?cid=sf01002&sr_share=facebook
JA CUNY @JuniorAchievem3