Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various business, personal, and social-media tips:
Mitch Mitchell @Mitch_M
Social Selling: How Small Businesses Are Growing Sales … by @MelonieDodaro

Vishing, Phishing, Smishing – What You Need to Know
By Dan Smith Director of Engineering Services It might be tough to keep track of all the different terms for cyber scams these days. First, “phishing” was the term for

You Filed Your 2022 Tax Returns, Now Let’s Look Ahead
Another busy tax filing season is behind us and with a return to normalcy this year, without significant processing delays at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), we can look forward.
Julie Briggs @JulieBriggsCNY
10 Tips to Promote Yourself Without Being Annoying » Wonderlass …
Vanessa Dunford @vaniccilondon 5 tips to reframe failure and use it to your advantage #failure #lessons #entrepreneur #business #Tips
Adil Syed @adilsyed
Top 10 Powerful #SelfImprovement #Tips –
Hannah Morgan @careersherpa
Stop making this huge mistake! Always Customize Your LinkedIn Invitation to Connect (people think you are lazy!)
Brian Colling @BrianColling
8 Key #Tips to Improve Your #Instagram #Marketing Efforts | Social Media Today #advertising #sales
Life of Women @lifeofwomen
The Truth about Hashtags:When,Where,How and How Many! #socialmedia #Tips