SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The City of Syracuse will use millions in state funding to help redevelop the former Syracuse Developmental Center as a regional job hub and mixed-income housing site.
Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday announced up to $29 million for pre-development site-preparation work, which will include demolition and remediation of the existing structures on the site.
The funding will also target infrastructure investments to expand water and sewer service lines, roads and sidewalks, tree planting, canopy and lighting throughout the site, Hochul’s office said.

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“Revamping abandoned, vacant sites into updated venues of all kinds is a no-brainer, helping spur economic development while revitalizing communities and bringing new opportunities,” Hochul said. “The former Syracuse Developmental Center site could go a long way in serving the Central New York region with the plans put forth by the City of Syracuse. I am proud to invest in this transformative project and look forward to the good it will bring to the people of the region.”
The state-funded site-preparation work will support the City of Syracuse’s proposal for new commercial, advanced-manufacturing facilities and new multi-tenant residential buildings for mixed-income housing.
City officials in 2019 seized the vacant site at 800-2 S. Wilbur Avenue after several years of tax delinquency.
With Gov. Hochul’s assistance, Syracuse is one step closer to making the former Syracuse Developmental Center site a “premier example of transformation and opportunity,” Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh said in the state’s announcement.
“After decades as an eyesore, my administration seized the 48-acre vacant property for back taxes in 2019 to protect the neighborhoods around it and to bring it back to productive use,” Walsh said. “In alignment with the Syracuse Surge, our strategy for inclusive growth in the New Economy, we’ve identified partners to bring high-tech jobs and quality housing to the property. I thank Governor Hochul for supporting our vision and providing the state resources we need to prepare this site for redevelopment and ensure it has a bright future for all of Syracuse.”