Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
Ten Regulatory-Compliance Items That Require Your Attention
Another summer season is rapidly drawing to a close. Once again, the calendar appears to fly by. The changing of the seasons prompts myriad topics for this column. That is to say, the recommendations and suggestions that follow should be addressed by your organization before the fall season turns to winter. As is my […]
Business truisms that aren’t true — and that cause trouble
Some business ideas seem to have a life of their own, particularly since they sound so reasonable. They’re so much a part of the culture and so obvious that they go unchallenged, requiring neither proof nor explanation. Since they’re “self-evident,” they gain truism status. But once unmasked, they’re revealed to be what they really are
Is Obamacare Responsible for a Jobless Recovery?
Three years ago, after the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed, I wrote an article entitled “ObamaCare is the Worst Legislation in 75 Years.” As more of the effects of the law have become apparent, that assessment has only been reconfirmed. I wrote, “The recently passed health-care legislation marks a crucial turning
Are you ready for disaster? Not to be overly gloomy, but disaster planning should be high on your list of priorities followed closely by review and testing of the plan. Among the categories any disaster plan should address are personnel, records, and assets. It comes as no surprise that one of the foremost concerns
New Fiscal Reality Facing Local Communities
When Detroit, once one of America’s largest cities and industrial engines, files for bankruptcy to resolve its fiscal woes, it gets people talking. And now, a brighter spotlight has been placed on the fiscal challenges facing local communities around the nation and here in New York. Many are asking if Detroit’s fiscal situation and
Family Business Spotlight: Lisa Conway of Pioneer Warehousing & Distribution, LLC
We all may have read blogs, self-help articles, or books that address the topic, “Can you have it all?” Today, I share with you a question-and-answer session with a businesswoman who can answer that question affirmatively through her actions. Meet Lisa Conway, director of marketing at Pioneer Warehousing & Distribution, LLC in the town
What the Delay in the Health-Reform Employer Mandate Means
This column is about health care. Specifically, it tries to shed some light on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as “Obamacare.” This landmark legislation is, in large measure, designed to achieve health-care equality for all Americans, particularly the 50 million of us who are currently uninsured. Uninsured Americans include the unemployed, part-time employees,
Upcoming Health-Care Reform Tax
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) created the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), a nonprofit corporation which will, according to regulations, “assist patients, clinicians, purchasers, and policy-makers in making informed health decisions by advancing the quality and relevance of evidence-based medicine through the synthesis and dissemination of comparative clinical effectiveness research findings.”
Ask yourself the following two questions: 1) Is your organization’s retirement plan compliant with the myriad IRS and Department of Labor regulations? 2) Is your
Efficient Green Technologies Reach a Boil at Menorah Park
It’s a safe bet that being director of facilities for the entire Menorah Park campus requires a whole lot of energy. Russ Martin, director of buildings and grounds, at Menorah Park will need it to execute his ambitious plan to save a lot of energy. Comprising the Jewish Health & Rehabilitation Center, a 132-bed nursing
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.