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Business-degree learning space at OCC named in honor of retired college president

Onondaga Community College (OCC) has renamed the primary classroom associated with its business-degree programs as “Crabill Commons,” honoring the retiring school president Casey Crabill. In this photo, Crabill (left) stands with Mark Tryniski, a member of the OCC board of trustees and a 1981 graduate of the school. Tryniski is also the president and CEO of DeWitt–based Community Bank, which donated $100,000 to the OCC Foundation for scholarships, programs, and related projects. (PHOTO CREDIT: OCC)

ONONDAGA, N.Y. — The primary classroom associated with the Onondaga Community College (OCC) business-degree programs is now called “Crabill Commons” in honor of Casey Crabill, who retired as school president June 30.  The board of trustees at OCC on June 28 approved the classroom renaming. In addition to the name change, Community Bank System, Inc. […]

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