BINGHAMTON, N.Y. — Broome County Executive Jason Garnar reported 91 new coronavirus cases for the county over the weekend.
Garnar, on his Facebook page, reported 34 new COVID-19 infections on Sunday and 57 cases on Saturday. The two-day total of 91 test positives was down from 135 cases in the prior two-day period — Thursday and Friday.
As of Sunday, Broome County had 448 active COVID-19 infections, 4,235 total cases since the pandemic’s start, 3,676 recoveries, and 19 currently hospitalized, according to Garnar.

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A portion of Broome County continues to be designated a yellow zone by New York State. That zone had a 3.07 percent positive test rate in the latest day, Gov. Andrew Cuomo reported Sunday. That was up from 2.62 percent the day before, but down from the current seven-day rolling average of 3.39 percent and the prior seven-day positive test rate of 4.13 percent.